What happens when your Mouth of Chi is Blocked? Cluttered? Messy?

Extreme Happiness Available – contact Janice Taylor, Life and Weight Loss Success Coach, Author, Artist, Positarian
Is your Mouth of Chi blocked, cluttered or just plain messy? The Mouth of Chi* is a term used in Feng Shui*. It references your front door, the primary point of entry into your home (or office or cubicle), whether you favor that door or another. The Mouth of Chic is much like our physical mouth.
Both The Mouth of Chi and your physical mouth are points of entry; both serve as boundaries between “inner” and “outer” worlds. The Mouth of Chi is where energy, people and opportunity enter your home. Your physical mouth takes in food, air, and energy (chi).
If your Mouth of Chi is blocked, cluttered or just plain messy, it can block you from moving forward in life and have a negative effect. If it is bright, well lit, cheery and full of positive energy, your life is more likely to flow in a positive way. Good fortune, blessings and opportunities will be yours.
Similarly, when you fill your physical mouth with unhealthy foods, too much food, or bad air, it will block your energy and have a negative effect on your body. In addition, if you don’t take care of all that is in your mouth (gums, teeth, tongue, et al.), or if your words are peppered with negativity, another type of block will form, your energy and life flow will be compromised and your body will be negatively effected.
Prior to learning about the Mouth of Chi, I confess that I hadn’t give much thought to the importance of ‘point of entry,’ nor had I even considered my physical mouth an entry point or boundary between the ‘inner’ and the ‘outer.’
Now, however, having a different level of awareness, I can’t help but to be mindful and give more thought and meaning to what I put in my mouth and what comes out of it, as well as keeping the entry way to my home well lit and clutter free!
For more (or less) on clutter, lighting, food, Feng Shui and Chi, join Our Lady of Weight Loss’s KICK in the TUSH Club/FB!
Spread the Word …. NOT the icing!
Janice Taylor
wise * fun * utterly useful
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