#KickTush Tuesday: #Turnips, Weight Loss Handicaps and Gym Bunnies?

Your gain is my pain. Contact Janice Taylor, Life and Wellness Coach, Hypnotherapist, Weight Loss Expert, Author, Artist, Positarian
Our Lady of Weight Loss is well aware that some of us have bigger challenges to overcome than others, so she had me design a formula for computing our weight loss handicaps, enabling us to compete with those with high metabolisms, those who forget to eat, and the gym bunnies of the world.
How to Calculate and Use Your Weight Loss Handicap
Note: Handicaps are earned. They are for professional “dieters” ONLY. In order to receive a handicap, you have had to be on at least five diets in your lifetime. (I suspect that qualifies most of us.)
What’s your handicap?
Step 1: Total the pounds lost in your last attempt to lose weight over the course of the last five weeks you were on said diet.
Step 2: Multiply that number by the number of children you have living at home.
Step 3: If you are living with an adult who insists on eating in front of you and who is insensitive to your weight loss mood swings, factor in an additional point. If he or she is truly impossible, give yourself another 3 pounds. Add to above number.
Step 4: Multiply that number by 3.
Step 5: Divide by 5. (Slice off fractions, as you would slivers of cake.)
Step 6: For every 10 points, give yourself one handicap point. Those who have a handicap of 10 or more are called “turnips.”
How to use your handicap:
The next time someone asks you how much you lost this week, feel free to add your handicap into the equation. This system
should level the field for those who are competing at group meetings, in offices or at home! Or for those who are letting the
Scales of Injustice get to them.
Remember, it’s only a number. Have some fun with it!
For more weight loss fun, join Our Lady of Weight Loss’s Kick in the Tush Club/FB!
And–for the full skinny sign up for Janice Taylor’s (monthly) Kick in the Tush Club newsletter!
Spread the Word-–NOT the icing!
Janice Taylor, Life and Wellness Coach,
Weight Loss Expert, Author, Artist, Positarian