#KickTush Tuesday: How Selfish Are You?

On May 13, 2014 by Janice Taylor

Your gain is my pain. How can I help you? Contact Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Weight Loss Expert

Dearest Tushkateers,  Seriously, how selfish are you?  Because…People tell me that they just don’t have time to take care of themselves; they say that there’s no time to do things that they need to do for themselves to be fully engaged in life, to feel happy and to be healthy.  They tell me that if they were to take care of themselves first and foremost that would mean that they are selfish.  Selfish equals bad.  And bad is generally accompanied by platters full of guilt.  Sound familiar?

Well, I am here to encourage you to question that somewhat skewed “selfish” belief system.  “Selfish” has gotten a bad rap!   All selfish means is that you care enough about yourself to get your needs met.   And yes, you may need to put yourself ahead of others to do so, but seriously folks – as Eda LeShan* said, “When we truly care for ourselves, it becomes possible to care far more profoundly about other people.”

Need vs. Want: Needs and wants are very different.  I need to take some time to walk daily in order to exercise my body, clear my head, breathe deep, calm myself, so that I can create health, be present and have a productive day.   However, I may want to take all the papers on my desk and burn them, and head off in an R.V. to the Rocky Mountains for a year, without leaving a forwarding address!

Giving yourself what you fully need is the same as feeding your soul! The ‘thing’ that you are giving yourself is helping you to be your authentic self, to operate at your very best.  The more selfish or self-full you become, the more you have to give.

Today, please be SELF-FULL!  When you need to do something for yourself and 

your inner lights start blinking   …


 STOP!!!  for one brief moment or two and ask yourself:

Is this something that I need to do to feed my soul?  If yes, do it!!!

*Eda LeShan (June 6, 1922 – March 3, 2002) was an American writer, television host, counselor, educator, and playwright.  She was a “voice of respect for the inherent integrity of children.”  LeShan’s books include When Your Child Drives You Crazy, The Conspiracy Against Childhood, and It’s Better to be Over the Hill than Under It. She was the host of How Do Your Children Grow? on PBS in the 1970s.

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Spread the Love–NOT the icing,

Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Author, Artist, Positarian
wise * fun * utterly useful

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