Kick Tush Tuesday: 51 “One Size Fits All” Miracle Cures

On February 19, 2013 by Janice Taylor

Insanity:  Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ~ Albert Einstein

TushkateersHowdy, Hi there, Hey, Hello …. How are you on this fine February morning (afternoon or evening)?  Just swell?  Ready to stop the insanity? Switch gears, try a new path, find a fun and exciting way to weigh less?

Are you ready to drop your baggage and lighten your load?  Without obsessing about food, fat, your weight and/or your multiple failures to lose “it?”

All you need to do is “imagine.”  Imagine what your life could look like, the shape it might take, if you shifted your focus to bringing joy to your heart, giving fresh energy to you day and feeding your soul.

Envision what will happen when your thoughts no longer pull you astray but rather connect your mind, body and spirit.    Each and every day, find at least one way to feed your soul and watch miracles happen!

There’s your magic bullet–the miracle cure, my Tushkateers!  It’s not about your weight, it’s about your soul.  Feed your soul and watch a miracle happen.  Here are 50 ways to get you started.  Feel free to add your ways to the list! And take a leap of faith–Feed Your Soul at Rowe!


Stop the Insanity: 51 Ways to Feed Your Soul

1.   Dream with Your Feet, bust a move, get your groove on, and … dance to the music!

2.   Dissolve Your Inhibitions in a Smokin’ Hot Bubble… Bath!

3.   Arrange Flowers in good cheer, with a smile on your face, and listen for the earth to joyously laugh with you.

4.   Light a Candle, and then light another, and notice … nothing is lost when one candle lights the next.

5.   Be the Fountain of Gladness and make everything and everyone near to you freshen with smiles.

6.   Look Beneath the Iceberg.  Investigate what lies below as only one-seventh of ‘you’ is above water.

7.   Breathe into the Moment for this very moment is the only one you have for sure.

8.   Pray with the Rocks, the pebbles, the sand, as they are still and silent.

9.   Read, Read, Read, lest you yield yourself to ignorance.

10.   Play Feverishly!  Experience the world and the universe as the playground that it sure is; one for exploration and discovery.  Explore, discover, have fun!

11.   Whip Up a Bowl of Bliss. Combine one cup of the poetic with one cup of the mysterious.  The perfect complement to any meal; filling, delicious goodness.

12.   Connect the Dots from the past straight into your future, one to the next, and behold … the big picture revealed.

13.   Send the Black Cloud on its Way as it is but an illusion; a billow upon billow upon a billow.

14.   Open Your Eyes to the sweetness of the day.

15.   Make a Mistake.  It is, after all, one way of doing something and better than doing nothing.

16.   Remove the Stops, one at a time until there is no stopping … you.

17.   Love In General … round people, skinny people, tall people, short people, all people.

18.   Look for the Bright Spot.  It is right there, to your right. (No, your other right).

19.   Sigh a Deep Sigh and start anew.

20.   Sing With the Birds after the storm.

21.   Have Fly-By-the-Seat-of-Your-Pants Fun!  No thinking allowed and certainly not aloud!

22.   Do Not Worry About Your Worries.  It only gets you nowhere twice as fast!

23.   Begin Your Day in Delight; end it in wisdom.

24.   If you want to Be Happy, then Stop … Being Unhappy!

25.   Stimulate Your Immune System.  Go to a museum or attend a concert, a show, the theater, or read! (Studies show that those who are participating in culture events live longer quite possibly because these activities stimulate the immune system.)

26.   Blow Bubbles and watch the wind as she carries them hither and yon.

27.   Become a Fan of the Funny.  Go “Sky High” with Cartoonist, Tommy Rudmose.

28.   Wiggle Fast and Furiously.  Wiggle and jiggle your energy from left to right, from up to down, circular motion when needed.

29.   Smile at the Messiness of Life and then dust your countertops.

30. Give a Shout-Out to the Universe.  “I am alive!”

31.   When Love Knocks on Your Door, open it!

32.   Craft a Temple of kindness and compassion in your heart.

33.   Recognize Your Resiliency. Jump high and higher still.

34.   Silently Bless Each and Every Soul you pass today and all your tomorrows.

35.   Let Go of Your Burdensome Baggage, walk through life freely and unencumbered.

36.   If you don’t like the answer, Change the Question.

37.   Embrace the Power of We. You are here as I am here.

38.   Let Go of the Outcome. Sometimes, not getting what you want is a good thing.

39.   Speak and Act with Honesty, stand by what you do and say.

40.   Surprise Yourself.  Try something new and succeed.

41.   Start a De-Stress Thyself File:  Magazine Madness; Escape Into the Pages.  Grab yourself a hefty stack of magazines, escape into the pages, focus on the photos and rip out any and all that speak to you!   Create and keep near your ‘de-stress myself’ file.

42.   Do less.  Sometimes less is more and in this case, doing less often leads to better, more focused results.  When overwhelmed or on edge, take a good, long break and simply do less.

43.   Scale Down Your Wants.  Not wanting ‘stuff’ is better than possessing it.

44.   Go to the Library.  A novel approach to reading, these days for sure, but actually going to a ‘real’ library (getting out of the house), and borrowing a hard copy of a book has its soul feeding advantages. Try it and see how good you’ll feel.

45.   Stand Tall; Stand Erect. You will not only look five pounds thinner, but you will feel more confident, for sure!

46.   Breathe Deep and Say …  I have arrived.  I am home.

47.   Paint Your Favorite Color On a Canvas, and then stencil your favorite word in its complementary color!

48.   Give Yourself Permission to Play.  As important as work is, do not forget to play, to have fun, to enjoy life.

49.   Create a Sacred Space: Just Be.  Light a candle, put on some soft music that feeds the soul, or choose to sit in silence.

50.   Give. Give something away.  A possession, a smile, a compliment, and see how it both feeds and liberates your soul, all at once.

51.   For soulful fun, creative sparks of life, sheer joyful wackiness, join (no fuss, no muss, no charge)Kick in the Tush Club/Facebook. 

For more ways to FEED YOUR SOUL, LIGHTEN UP and just plain enjoy life to the max, please do consider joining with OLWL and me the weekend of March 29-31 at Rowe Camp and Conference Center, in Rowe, Massachusetts (the Berkshire Mountains; unbelievably, stunningly beautiful) for what is sure to be a mind changing, life changing, enlivening experience.  Feed Your Soul at Rowe!

Spread the word–NOT the icing!

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