Dysfunctional Chef: Pickled, the Easy Way?

On August 2, 2014 by Janice Taylor

Janice Taylor, Anti-Gravity Coaching, Weight Loss Expert…helping you to let go of that which weighs you down. Come Fly With Me!

Do you love pickled foods? I do! Pickled beets, pickled beans, pickled cucumbers a.k.a. pickles, and pickled eggs! Love the taste and the color! That pickled red is amazing, is it not?   In fact, I’m wondering why there’s no crayon or paint color named after it.

You can pickle from scratch or you could, as this Dysfunctional Chef does, pickle from things already pickled. In other words, buy a jar or two of pickled beets and add hard-boiled eggs to the mix!

Yes, I know. This isn’t really cooking, but hey, it’s summer! And a non-oven event is a happy one!

Here’s the skinny on how to create Pickled Eggs the Easy Way!


1/2 dozen hard-boiled eggs, peeled
2 jars of Aunt Nellie’s pickled beets (or your favorite glass jar brand)

Use beets in a salad.
When jar is empty of beets, but still holding all its juice, add the hard-boiled eggs.
Let sit, overnight in fridge.

Come morning, miraculously, you will have created the most magnificent magenta eggs ever!  Serve with a salad, with a meal, or simply eat on their own. Savor the flavor!

A 5 Yum Summer High Color Event! Satisfying on numerous levels.  Helping you to stay on the skinny and narrow path.  Enjoy!

Hungry for (almost) daily motivational musings :) from our country’s premiere Anti-Gravity Coach, Janice Taylor (that’s me), join Our Lady of Weight Loss’s Kick in the Tush Club/FB!?!

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Spread the word–NOT the icing!

Janice Taylor, Anti-Gravity Coach,
Weight Loss Expert, 50 Pound Big-Time-Loser
helping you to … Let Go of All that Weighs You Down

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