Happiness: 5 Reasons to Smile

On December 5, 2012 by Janice Taylor

One of the best things you can do for yourself and for everyone around you is to smile. Smiling brings oxygen to your brain, immediately makes you feel better, and sends out comforting messages to others. Smiling pulls people in nice and close.

  1. 72% of people think that those who smile frequently are confident and successful;
  2. 86% of people are more likely to talk to strangers if they are smiling;
  3. Bosses are 12% more likely to promote people who smile a lot;
  4. Research shows that 65% of communication is non-verbal (some say even higher); and
  5. Studies show that happiness is a by-product of smiling, not that those who are happy smile as most people assume.

A true smile comes from genuine pleasure. Two sets of facial muscles are used to create this smile. The first set is in the cheeks that pull up the corners of the mouth; the second set is around the eyes. These muscles cause the eyes to narrow and crinkle.

Smiling can make you look like an inviting, accepting, likable and pleasant person (even if you’re not).

When you first meet someone, if you don’t smile that person is likely to think that you’re not interested in or attracted to them. They may even think you are a cold potato. So, even if you’re feeling blue or simply not in the mood to smile, do yourself a favor – smile anyway.

Fake it until you make it!

For more laughter, giggles and smile, visit a Kick in the Tush Club/Facebook.

Spread the word–NOT the icing!

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