Happiness 2013: Barefooted Bliss?

On December 27, 2012 by Janice Taylor

The concept of earthing, a.k.a. grounding, is in simplest terms, waking barefoot.  And, in doing so you ground yourself to the earth, whose energy can help you to live a healthier and therefore happier life.

On an intuitive level, it makes sense, yes?  After all, walking barefoot feels good.  Your skin is a very good conductor of energy.  While you could utilize any area of your skin to connect to the Earth (bare-tush, I suppose … I digress), it is believed by the “experts” (researchers/scientists) that the middle point of the ball on your foot is your “it/earthing” spot.

When you are grounded to the earth, there is a transfer of free electrons from the Earth to your body.  These free electrons are antioxidants, and observations from grounding experiments indicate that this transfer of energy yields many benefits, which include but are not limited to:

  • boosting the body’s self-healing mechanisms
  • improved sleeping
  • reduced stress
  • reduced chronic inflammation (associated with heart disease, cancer and diabetes)

I know that it’s wintertime and the majority of us are not in areas conducive to bare-footin’ it, but Earthing is calling my name.  It’s easy, it’s fun!  The only thing I need to do is kick off my shoes and head outside!   Care to join with me?

Ahhhh … May barefooted bliss be yours in 2013!

For more kick tush ways to be healthy and feel happy, visit Kick in the Tush Club/Facebook!

Spread the word–NOT the icing!


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