Puzzled? About Fatty Acids?

On September 16, 2013 by Janice Taylor

Puzzled?  About Fatty Acids?  Me, too!  As you read through and then click throughthis week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle consider the benefits of Omega-3.

Omega-3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexanoic acid (DHA), alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), are a part of the polyunsaturated fat family (the good fats) and are considered essential to our good health.

Our body, however, cannot make Omega-3 on its own, so it must be obtained from food sources.

Research shows that without a sufficient amount of polyunsaturated Omega-3s, the body will use saturated fat to create cell membranes. These cell membranes are less elastic, which can have negative effects on our heart.

Omega-3 may:

- Improve heart health
- Lower cholesterol levels
- Improve insulin sensitivity
- Stabilize irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia)
- Reduce blood pressure
- Reduce hypertension
- Improve rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Raynaud’s disease and other auto-immune diseases
- Improve depression and symptoms of other mental health problems
- Aid cancer prevention and cancer support

How much Omega-3 does one need? There is no established recommended amount. The American Heart Association recommends that people include salmon or tuna in their diet at least twice a week.

What foods are rich in Omega-3? Atlantic salmon, Atlantic and Pacific Herring, Sardines, Atlantic Halibut, Bluefish, Tuna, Atlantic Mackerel.

Are you concerned about mercury levels in these fishes? If so, try getting Omega-3 from plant sources, such as: Canola oil, Flaxseed, Flaxseed oil, Walnuts, Leafy green vegetables. A quarter of a cup of walnuts (or 1 ounce) supplies about 2 grams of plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids.

If you decide to take Omega-3 supplements, please check with your doctor, especially if you are taking a blood thinner.

For more utterly useful information, top of the line motivation, spiraling out of control inspiration, join Our Lady of Weight Loss’s Club:  Kick in the Tush Club/FB.Deliciously yours,Janice Taylor
wise * fun * utterly useful

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