Kick Tush Tuesday: One Minute Vacation?

On March 11, 2014 by Janice Taylor

I am fairly certain that the most underutilized resource we have is our imagination, which is why I invite you to imagine.  Imagine a one minute vacation!

Imagine what it might be like to live in a world where there is no internet, no computer, no iPhone, no iPad, no Microsoft tablet, no YouTube, no telephone, no radio, no television – no social media of any kind – no Facebook.

For just one minute, unplug and simply be.

“You do not need to leave your room.
Remain sitting at your table and listen.
Do not even listen.
Simply wait.
Do not even wait.
Be quiet, still and solitary.
The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked.
It has no choice.
It will roll in ecstasy at your feet.”

–  Franz Kafka

For one minute, simply be. Do nothing.

Without “trying” to do or not do anything in particular, just be.
Be one with your breath.

Breathe.  Breathe and Listen.
Hear the ambient sounds of the traffic or the birds singing or tune into the sound of your breath.
Feel the sensations in your body.
Just be as it is.  Where you are.  Just be.

Notice the spaciousness, the weightlessness or even the restlessness that comes with just being; that comes with knowing that nothing needs to be any different from how it is.

There is nothing to accomplish.
There is nothing to figure out.
There is nothing to move towards or move away from.

There is nothing to do.
Nothing needs to be any different from how it is in this very moment, in this here, in the now.

Awaken in this gentle moment.

For more gentle moments, join Our Lady of Weight Loss’s Kick in the Tush Club/FB!

Spread the word–NOT the icing,

Janice Taylor, Life & Happiness Coach, Author, Artist, Positarian
wise * fun * utterly useful

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