Kick Tush Tuesday: Live in Hope, Not Fear

On April 16, 2013 by Janice Taylor

Dearest Tushkateers,

Yesterday, after an absolutely lovely and peaceful afternoon walk through the Conservatory Gardens in Central Park, Peter and I returned home, turned on our respective media devices and were blasted by one deeply disturbing headline after the next–as were you.

Twin Bombs in Boston. Three Dead. Act of Terror.

The majority of us watched from afar. We did (and continue to do) our best to process the information.

We grasp for meaning and comfort in the perpetual loop of news; in tweets and posts.  We think back 12 years; we make parallels between twin bombs and twin towers.  We hear that the two bombs went off in the 26th mile, near the finish line.  This last mile had been dedicated to the shooting victims at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

We note the horror of it all.

And then, we work to restore a sense of order and safety to our shaken self; to our shaken children.

We marvel at the way the first responders so immediately and effectively cared for the wounded.  We are in awe of the average person who jumped in, amidst the chaos, to help.  We watch families reunite.  We consider how we might help.

How you can help:

  • The American Red Cross Safe and Well website is a central location for people in disaster areas in the United States to register their current status, and for their loved ones to access that information. It helps provide displaced families with relief and comfort during a stressful time.
  • The Salvation Army is offering food, beverages and crisis counseling to responders and survivors. Find out how you can get involved here.
  • Anyone with info about the incident can call 1-800-494-TIPS.

And NOW (or when you are ready and able)–please, note how you are feeling and fairing.  If you are saturated with and by the media, turn it off and …

  • Share Your Feelings–your thoughts with a friend, with family or a colleague.
  • Take In a Deep Cleansing Breath.
  • Chant, Pray, Meditate.
  • Return to Nature. Ground yourself in your garden, enjoy a bouquet of flowers, appreciate the buds, leaves and flowering trees.
  • Live in Hope; not Fear.

    Feel free to post a comment on our Facebook/Kick in the Tush Club page.  

The world is incomprehensible. We won’t ever understand it; we won’t ever unravel its secrets. Thus we must treat the world as it is: a sheer mystery. ~ Carlos Castaneda

Spread the word–NOT the icing!


PS:  Dictated but not read by OLWL.  Excuse all typos!


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