Financial Breaking News: 5 Money Rituals for 4th Quarter Economic Blues

On January 30, 2013 by Janice Taylor

A New York Times breaking news alert made its way into my in-box this morning, reporting that the “U.S. economy contracted unexpectedly in the final quarter of 2012, hurt by weaker exports, a drop in military spending and a slower buildup in inventories. The Commerce Department said Wednesday that economic output in the quarter fell at an annual rate of 0.1 percent, compared with growth at a 3.1 percent pace in the third quarter.”

I’m not quite sure what the means to my personal pocketbook or yours, or what I can/we can do about it, but I am a person of action.

Therefore, today, I’d like to share my five favorite money rituals.  It is my hope that these rituals will help to keep the money flowing and create growth in the marketplace.    At the very least, I can pretty much guarantee that these 5 rituals are effective ways to “lighten” the air and mood, and–keep economic/emotional eating in check!

5 Money Rituals for Today’s Financial 4th Quarter Blues

BILLS FACE FORWARD: Always keep your bills facing toward you. As you hand your money to a clerk, the face on the bill should be looking at you as you say to yourself, “money knows me and comes home to me!”

CLEAR THE CLUTTER: Make sure that your money is NOT crumpled up or jammed into your purse and/or wallet AND clean the clutter out of said money holders! Handle money as if you value it!

GIVE GENEROUSLY. Money is simple a form of energy. And as all energy, it needs to flow through your life, not just into it all jammed into the corners. Money needs air, light and space to grow. Even though these are some financially tight times, it is important to give as generously as you can. If not money, then give your time and energy! Spread the love. Give with your heart!

ATTRACTIVE COVER. Put your checkbook in a pretty cover, preferably green, purple or red. And then store it in the wealth area of your desk (rear left corner).

GREEN AND PURPLE GRAPES. Fill a bowl with green and purple grapes (preferably real grapes; not artificial!), and place the bowl in the wealth area of your kitchen (left corner from point of entry). The grapes symbolize abundance filing your home. If you eat the grapes, be sure to refill the bowl, always keeping your bowl half full!

Spread the word–NOT the icing!

Janice (a.k.a. Jani$)

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