Easy Weight Loss: 1 Step-Change Your Relationship with Food

On August 28, 2013 by Janice Taylor

Our Lady of Weight Loss wants me to encourage you to think about taste, because “Taste is No Small Thing.”

Dig It:  Taste is always with us, ever present. Even when you detect “no taste,” there is a flavor in the non-eating mouth.

Think About It:  Your mouth serves as a point of entry; it is a boundary between the “inner” and “outer” worlds. Your mouth takes in air, energy (chi) and food.

Consider the foods that you choose to put into your mouth. When you fill your physical mouth with unhealthy foods, too much food (or bad air for  that matter), it will—to some degree, sometimes subtle, sometimes not—block your energy and have a negative effect on your body; a negative effect on your energy and your life flow will be compromised.

The right food will nourish and build cells and sustain you with energy.  Slowing down to taste and chew your food actually helps the enzymes in your mouth’s saliva to start the process of digesting carbohydrates and fats.

Instead of, or better yet—in addition to—counting calories or points or carbs, or eliminating foods whose ingredients includes white “stuff” like sugar, unbleached flour, and/or high fructose corn syrup, let’s simply consider what type of ‘energy’ the food you are about to put into your sacred point of entry a.k.a. your mouth is going to provide and how it will effect your day BEFORE WE PUT IT IN OUR MOUTHS!  (Yes, I’m sort of yelling!)

Surely, that would provide a way for you to begin to change your relationship with food.

What do you think?  What small changes are you about to put into action?  How can you shift your reality?

For more creative weight loss, shifts in reality, and happy chi, join Our Lady of Weight Loss‘s Club:  Kick in the Tush Club/Facebook!

Spread the word–NOT the icing!

Dictated but not read by OLWL.  Excuse all typos!
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