Creative Bridge Building: 2 Steps from Dreams to Reality

Want to Build Creative Bridges? Transform your dreams into reality? Contact Janice Taylor
“People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.” ~ Joseph F. Newton
When people ask me what I “do,” I tell them that I build bridges.
“Not like The Queensboro Bridge or the Golden Gate Bridge,” I say, “My clients and I, together, build a Creative Bridge that ultimately transforms their dreams into reality.”
The first step in Creative Bridge Building is to cast an honest eye, an observant eye, a loving eye at where you presently stand, and
2) to recognize the walls that you have constructed that ultimately stop you from creating that which you so greatly desire.
Can you imagine, in your mind’s eye, where you currently stand and the walls that you have built around and through you? Walls that were perhaps initially constructed to keep you safe, but currently only serve to stop you.
Honestly looking at oneself with loving-kindness, with compassion is no easy task and it takes courage. I emphasis “loving and compassion.” Should your observing take a judgmental, harsh turn, you’d actually be constructing yet another wall.
If that happens, note it, back up as it were and begin again.
You won’t be sorry that you made the effort for those who do are rewarded a thousand times over.
Share your dreams, build creative bridges with us. Join Our Lady of Weight Loss’s Kick in the Tush Club/FB.
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Spread the Word-–NOT the icing!
Janice Taylor, Life and Wellness Coach
Weight Loss Expert, Author, Artist, Positarian