Chewing the Fat: Our Lady of Weight serving it straight-up!

Letters to Our Lady of Weight Loss: WISE, FUN and UTTERLY USEFUL ADVICE!
Dear Janice (a.k.a. Our Lady of Weight Loss) ~ I’m ttrryyiinngg to re-adjust my thinking, reframe my feelings about exercise. For instance, experiencing that exercise is “play time” rather than the drudgery that it is!
At the same time, I decided not join a gym during this time, because I am moving soon. There’s no point. And, I decided not to hire a personal trainer, because I need to save my money for the move.
I’m ttrryyiinngg to take positive steps to move forward, but I keep coming up with excuses. I want to stop having excuses. ~Deenniissee P.P.
Deeaarr Deenniissee P.P. ~ I’ve got both good news and bad news for you. The good news is that you ‘get’ that you are making excuses and you want to stop.
The bad news is that as long as you continue to ‘try’ you will not succeed. As Yoda from Star Wars says, “There is no try. Do or do not.”
Denise, do adjust your thinking, and do move forward. When you hear an excuse float to the surface, note it (awareness first), let it go and get moving. Literally!
After all…
Walking is free!
Dancing in your underwear when no one is home is free!
Let us know how your weight drops in ratio to the dropping of your excuses! ~ Janice (a.k.a. OLofWL!)
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Spread the word–NOT the icing!