Kick Tush Tuesday: Is Your Motivation in the Toilet? Rejoice!

This morning, one of my star clients (you’re all stars) confessed that...

04th Mar
kick in the tush club 1:2 logo

Weighty Confession: Thong Underwear Weigh?

Dear Our Lady of Weight Loss ~ Forgive me for I have...

26th Feb
Ms Chocolate Chiffon

Quirky Wisdom: What’s Eating Your Soul?

Have you ever noticed that some of the things that we think,...

19th Feb
quirky wisdom lightbulb

Kick Tush Tuesday: how to…Turn Dreams Into Reality

Commitment unlocks the doors of imagination, allows vision, and gives us the...

04th Feb
kick in the tush club 1-2 logo

Quirky Wisdom: How to Be the SMARTest SmartASS?

Seriously, who wouldn’t want to be the smartest smartASS in town? There...

29th Jan
quirky wisdom lightbulb

#KickTush Tuesday: The Goddess of Forever Thin Kicks Tush!

Once upon a time, a chubby young woman was wandering about in...

28th Jan
african beauty

Chewing the Fat: Hurt, Defeated, Depressed

Dear Our Lady of Weight Loss,   I just turned 60.  After ten...

15th Jan

Puzzled? Tough Choices: Fruit or Cake or maybe FruitCake?

This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, entitled:  “Tough Choices: Fruit...

13th Jan
"Tough Choices:  Fruit or Cake?" by Janice Taylor, Weight Loss Artist, Author, Coach and Positarian

10 Inspiring Quotes to Start 2014

The New Year is but a few hours away, affording us an...

31st Dec
It Began in Mystery