Coach Yourself #Thinnish: #Enough Already?

Just for today, give yourself a break. Practice self-acceptance, compassion and gratitude. Derive contentment, satisfaction and happiness from every good thing that comes your way. ... Be Thinnish!

08th Apr

#KickTush Tuesday: It’s NOT about your fat…it IS about your LIFE!

Your positive thoughts and actions, which represent your values, are in a sense bigger than you are. They ripple out into the universe. Did you hear that? I’ll say it again – your positive thoughts and actions not only have an effect on you, but they also ripple out into the universe. The possibility of transformation exists – on a global scale.

07th Apr
Are you ready to try in weightlessness? ~ Lighten Up with Janice Taylor, Weight Loss SUCCESS Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, Artist, Positarian

Coach Yourself Thinnish: Imagine a New Possibility?!!

What happens when you imagine emptiness; when you imagine that you have...

26th Mar
Imagine a Happier Janice Taylor, Weight Loss SUCCESS Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, Artist, Positarian

#KickTush Tuesday: Dump Stress!!!

5 easy steps to a less stressful day! Sometimes it's just that simple.

24th Mar
Ready to Change (into what?) ~ contact Janny Taylor, Weight Loss SUCCESS Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, Artist, Positarian

Coach Yourself Thinnish: Lose WHAt?

....are there any reasons (good or otherwise) not to change?

11th Mar
Need Help? ~ contact Janice Taylor, Weight Loss Success Coach, Author, Artist, Positarian

Click Yourself Thin: 4 Steps to Removing Obstacles!

What obstacles are in your weigh?

09th Mar
Obstacle Removal @ Your Service :) ~ contact JANICE TAYLOR, Weight Loss SUCCESS Coach.   Sometimes it's that simple!

Curb, Conquer, Control!

Mindless eating occurs primarily at night, after dinner, when — after a long, sometimes difficult day — you sit down and relax. What to do?

04th Mar
Ready. Set. Lose It!  Sometimes it's that simple! ~ contact Janice Taylor, Weight Loss SUCCESS Coach, Author, Artist, Positarian

#ClickYourselfThinnish : How to Melt Fat Fast???

What if locating your time-line melted fat? Did you even know that you had one? Do you know where it is?

02nd Mar
Ready! Set! Melt Fat NOW! ~ contact Janice Taylor, Weight Loss SUCCESS Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, Artist, Positarian

Miracle Cure: #TheFreezeYourAssOffDiet

Want to lose at least 8 pounds in a minute? Try the #FreezeYourAssOffDiet!

28th Feb
If not NOW...WHEN? ~ contact Janice Taylor, Weight Loss SUCCESS Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, Artist, Positarian