Dysfunctional Chef: Holiday Diet Tip and Recipe – Shed 15 Fast

One strategy that is sure to help you wake up thinner on...

07th Dec
dysfunctional chef copy

Happiness: 5 Reasons to Smile

One of the best things you can do for yourself and for...

05th Dec
smile therapy

Kick Tush Tues. – 7 Holiday Spending Tips

A gaggle of people have expressed to me either via telephone or...

04th Dec
Want it barbara kruger

Kick Tush Tuesday: Mother on the Verge

So, really, seriously, how are you?  After Thanksgiving?  Did you make it...

27th Nov
OL of Breath II

Kick Tush Tuesday: Busted Zippers, Broken Dreams

How are you on this fine morning?  Did you wake up and...

13th Nov
kick in the tush club 1-2 logo

Kick Tush Tuesday: 10 Tips – Surviving Hellish Times

If you’re going through Hell, keep going. – Winston Churchill Happy Day,...

06th Nov
kick in the tush club 1-2 logo

Kick Tush Tuesday: 8 Tips-The Dos & Don’ts of Toxic Friendships

Hellooooooo Tushkateers!   Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening!  Good good good...

24th Oct
Need a Kick in the Tush?  Join the Club!

Audio: Inspiring Weight Loss Success Story

As Our Lady of Weight Loss traveled the Path to Sveltesville, she...

22nd Oct
She Tuned Into Fruitful Abundance ... A Weight Loss Success Story

Kick in the Tush Tuesday: Artificial Sweeteners Kill ???

“Start each day by affirming peaceful, contented, and happy attitudes and your...

16th Oct
Our Lady of Weight Loss LOGO