Puzzled? Earth Day Buddha, “Shower with your partner.”

Today’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, “Earth Day Buddha,” celebrates Earth...

22nd Apr
Earth Day Buddha

Puzzled? Will It End in Mystery

“It Began in Mystery; It Will End in Mystery.“ This week’s get...

15th Apr
Mystery Buddha

Puzzled? How to … Turn a Deaf Ear to Cake

Yesterday, we celebrated my daughter and SIL’s 7th anniversary!  After we had...

08th Apr
jigzone turn a deaf ear

Puzzled? The Skinny on Dancing Parrots, Flying Roosters

This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, “Dancing Parrots, Flying Roosters,”...

25th Mar
mexican ladies

Puzzled? There Ain’t No Journey

Today’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, “There Ain’t No Journey,” reminds...

18th Mar
One Foot Change Sum

Puzzeled? The Empress-Creativity, Abundance, Sensuality

How to utilize this week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, inspired...

11th Mar
tarot empress

Puzzled? Send a Weird, Phallic & Prickly postcard to a friend!

This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, “Weird, Phallic & Prickly”...

04th Mar
Weird. Phallic. Prickly. Puzzle & PostCard

#OneWord Thursday – Dissatisfaction

Does this quote ring true? If one’s life is so unsatisfying that...

28th Feb

PUZZLED? 3 Steps-Wake Up Happy

Are you wondering how to be happy?  Are you thinking that it...

18th Feb
HABITS choose happiness