#CoachYourselfThinnish : Is Your Solar Plexus Singing the Fat Blues?

Are you ready to end the inner-fight? If yes (or no), click yourself thinnish!

16th Apr
Ready to End the Inner-Fight? ~ contact Janice Taylor, Life Coach, Weight Loss Success Coach, Author, Artist, Positarian

Coach Yourself Thinnish: Imagine a New Possibility?!!

What happens when you imagine emptiness; when you imagine that you have...

26th Mar
Imagine a Happier Future...contact Janice Taylor, Weight Loss SUCCESS Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, Artist, Positarian

#ClickYourselfThinnish : How to Melt Fat Fast???

What if locating your time-line melted fat? Did you even know that you had one? Do you know where it is?

02nd Mar
Ready! Set! Melt Fat NOW! ~ contact Janice Taylor, Weight Loss SUCCESS Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, Artist, Positarian

Coach Yourself Thinnish: What Specifically???

What specifically do you want?

26th Feb
If Not NOW...when...specifically? ~ contact Janice Taylor, Weight Loss SUCCESS Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, Artist, Positarian

Coach Yourself Thinnish: What’s Important to YOU? What Do YOU Value?

You may wish to change your life …. but your new vision remains merely talk until it enters the practice of your day.

18th Feb
If Not NOW, WHEN??? ~ contact Janice Taylor, Weight Loss SUCCESS Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, Artist, Positarian

Coach Yourself Thinnish: How Will YOUR Losing Weight Affect Everything that is NOT You?

....consider how losing weight, creating a healthy lifestyle will impact on and inform your family, your friends, your job, your community.

11th Feb
How will losing weight affect everything that is NOT you? ~ Chew On and Then Contact Janice Taylor, Weight Loss SUCCESS Coach

Coach Yourself Thinnish: What will you gain by losing weight?

Are you ready to be "thinnish?"

04th Feb
What's Weighing You Down?  contact Janice Taylor, Weight Loss Success Coach, Author, Artist, Positarian
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