2015: New Year. New Story. New You!

The Fool ~ Janice Taylor, Weight Loss Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, Artist, Positarian
“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.” ~ T.S. Eliot
Hello Tushkateers, Devotees of Our Lady of Weight Loss and all those who mysteriously landed on this page,
Have you ever thought about simply erasing your past? Starting over, fresh, re-ordering your life? Today, as we begin a New Year, I’d like to invite you to do just that–erase your past!
There’s a hypnosis technique that I utilize that essentially affords the opportunity for you (or me or your friend over there) to “erase” all that is floating in one’s mind and heart.
Erase it all: your thoughts, your connections, your current reality. After the proverbial eraser has virtually erased it all, you are afforded an opportunity to leave those parts of your past, of yourself that are no longer useful, needed or wanted in the past, where they belong. And take what (and who) is still relevant and current with you.
That’s right. You can leave “last year’s language” in the past. You can make an end, which is synonymous with creating a beginning.
Today, both Our Lady of Weight Loss and I invite you to imagine leaving the past in the past, imagine creating a beginning. Yes, today. Right now, in fact. Leave the heavy stories, the drama that no longer serve you in the past.
Create a new language, a new beginning.
Happy New Story in this New Year!
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